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The boundary of Life and Death, 2020

White cloth, chairs and candles installation at OTC's Bathing Lady statue, USYD

During the crisis of Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, this installation work was created as a response to the sudden fear of an unpredictable death.


The white cloth, white candle and "coffin" represent the Death - mourning and ceremony - according to my Vietnamese Buddhism context. They way they were arrange to be "everywhere" in the space suggests how the fear of death has always been existing in my mind during that time. In contrast, the chosen installing space - OTC's Bathing Lady statue in USYD - represent the Life, youth and vitality. Additionally, the naked statue presents the image of a modern, unrestricted and fearless mind. 


The juxtaposition in colour and the use of unusual object in a certain space were an intention to create the tension and connection between the two worlds of Life vs Death, as well as the conflict between my religious belief vs the modern lifestyle.

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