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I am nothing, for I am everything, 2022

Ceramic sculpture and phosphorescent painting on walls
Installed under Ultra-violet light
​SCA Contemporary Gallery, University of Sydney, 2022 Grad Show

"If you were to die suddenly one day, what would you regret the most?"


This question took me on a long journey of discovering my "inner self". Who am I? What is the reason for my existence? Where did I come from and where will I go? The fear of living and the fear of death had led me forward to find that "Self", to have a clear vision of its identity. I kept looking, kept seeking, until one day I realised: there was no such "Self". I am nothing, and I am no one. I am everything - I came from what has existed and will become what I have always been. I wasn't "born" from the nihility, thus I won't vanish into the nihility. There was nothing to be afraid of - from living nor from death. 


This work was created under this interpretation of Life and Death, with a Buddhist approach under the guidance of Master Thich Nhat Hanh's demonstration of Buddhism philosophies. Yet, I don't want it to be exclusively only for the Buddhist audiences - the ones who have known about Buddhism. I want this work to be interpreted by different people from all different contexts. I want it to be a conversation between me and others who looked at it.  What did they feel, looking at my work? Did it make them think about any other things apart from the matter of Life and Death? Did they notice the hidden details that I consciously/subconsciously put in the installation? What did I get from seeing their reaction/interpretation of it? This exhibition started as an attempted interaction that I wanted to create for my audiences - to see the world under my vision. Yet in the end, it also became an experience for me. 


What about you, who are looking at this work from a website but not the live exhibition? What do you see in these images? 

Exhibition images

SCA-Gradshow 22_Install_Nov_22-73_edited
SCA-Gradshow 22_Install_Nov_22-75_edited

Working Process Images

Song_Process shot 1.jpg
Song_Process shot 3.HEIC

Special thanks to to Jan Guy - my Honours supervisor who had guided me through constructing this project. Without your guidance, perhaps I wouldn't be able to have this work done as how I wanted it to be, and wouldn't be as satisfied with its outcome as I was.

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