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Resonance (the infection in our emotions) 2023

Meditative textured painting, studio practice

40cm x 40cm

Plaster and acrylic on canvas, clear gloss varnish

"Sometimes, I look at the water ripples in the shower, thinking that we are just the same!
(or at least our emotions are)"

I shall not neglect my suffering,

I shall not neglect my pain,

I shall not neglect my anger,

I shall not neglect my fear,

I shall not neglect my sadness,

I shall not neglect my happiness,

I shall not neglect my exhaustion,

I shall not neglect my feelings.

But neither exaggerate them!

Acknowledge it, then let it go!

Do not adopt my suffering,

Do not adopt my pain,

Do not adopt my anger,

Do not adopt my fear,

Do not adopt my sadness,

Do not adopt my happiness,

Do not adopt my exhaustion,

Do not adopt my feelings.

But neither neglect what is yours!

Acknowledge it, then let it go!

Like water ripples, shall it return to where it arose!

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