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Presence, 2022

Plaster and acrylic on canvas

5x 41cm x 29cm

Low relieve landscape

Presence, 2022

Do you have any little happiness, a small delight that you secretly enjoyed without telling others?

I do.


When I casually saw a strangely shaped cloud that looked like a fish skeleton, but also seemed like a phoenix tail.

When I suddenly noticed a dainty sprig of flowers, quietly sneaking out from a fence gap; a tiny sprout poking through a crack on a railroad; or a footpath shrub with its green leaves, sparkly under the daylight. 

Was it a mountain that looked like it was floating on the sky? Or was it a bunch of clouds that looked like mountains? 

Do the waves know that they are the ocean? Do they know that they'll one day become the clouds, become the land, become the trees, become everything else that they thought they were not?


"Why do I get so excited for such ordinary and random reasons?", I wondered. 


And then I realised, such delight came from seeing, sensing countless of presences that are existing, growing and living alongside with me. How miraculous and enchanting it is knowing that I didn't come to this life in solitude, and won't leave in solitude. I am not alone. 


​Today, I am still living.

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