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If only we look like what we are (Don't worry, I'm pretty sure we know each other)

Acrylic on Canvas

90cm x 120cm


What do I know about human? What do I know about myself, about other people? Perhaps, I know nothing. I have done so many practices on human body drawings, have tried to explore and express every emotion and feeling that I have seen. Yet, there are still things that I didn’t have the courage to go through. What I have been doing was to entertain and satisfy the people who look at my works – the “audiences”. I was afraid of being criticised if I “dare” to show people their unappealing side, and also to admit my own. Human are not only made of beauty and grace, they do not always undergo miserable and suffering, but they also create misery for others. How do I express the negative thoughts that has been existing inside every single one of us? How can I portray those unpleasantness, hatred, hideousness that have been hidden behind our smiles? 


In this project, my intention was to express the internal feelings through the external figures. This idea was inspired by a Buddhism idea where people believes that behaviours and personalities does have an impact on our appearances. I want to trigger the audiences by showing them appearances that reflect on the flaws in our personalities.  



If Only We Look Like What We Are (Don't worry, I'm pretty sure we know each other), 2020.j

My eyes only see "truth"


How much do your words cost?


Look at you, how pathetic


Counting down


I'm soooooo sorry for your lost


Once the internet got you there's no escape


Click here to view Artstep virtual exhibition

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