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Onism - World without world, 2018

Ink on sketch paper, medium surface

8cm x 13.5cm

Onism - World within world_edited_edited

This sketch was created under the concept of "World without world". The unusual ratio and position of the woman was used to express a sense of out of place, showing how isolated she feels in the world that she is living. The woman has her hair tied up in a traditional way, showing that such out of place feeling came from the inner conflict between the tradition and the modern that she has been experiencing in her life. She was drawn to be facing toward to the upper corner of the frame, with her eyes also looking in the same direction, indicates how she wants to escape that "unfamiliar" life that she is trapped in. The teardrop that seems to be falling out from her eyes expresses how desperate her wish is, and expresses the dreadful sense from the pressure that she's baring. Yet despite how "dreadful" and "desperate" she feels, there is only one single teardrop on her face, and her facial expression doesn't express much emotion. This indicates how she is used to (and was taught to) compress and hide away her own feeling from the outside world, if such feeling is considered troublesome or inappropriate.  

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